November 22, 2013

Gingerbread Happy Times

Time has cycled around to November again.  My husband is still off work and although long-term disability runs out in a few months, the honest truth is that I don’t believe he’s anywhere near ready to go back to work yet.  Still, he’s going to make the effort.  After all, we can’t live on nothing and my salary, while good for the area, is nowhere near enough to go it alone.  I do worry about making a nice Christmas for our young son, I can’t help but be thankful for what we do have.  We are all healthy (relatively speaking that is), we do have a roof over our heads, and we have extended family who love us. 

Since it’s going to be a carefully budgeted Christmas, I decided I would be making gifts for those we usually give to.  This list gets smaller every year out of necessity, unfortunately.  So instead of rushing out to the stores and trying to find just the right thing, I decided that gingerbread would be perfect.  My son agreed. 

On my last payday I bought the biggest bag of flour I could find, together with the other needed ingredients.  This weekend the little guy and I are going to make gingerbread.  I have told him that since Christmas is still a few weeks away we would only make the gingerbread at this point.  We will freeze it and then a week before Christmas we will spend a day making it all into gingerbread houses.  I think we can design a relatively little house that will go together fairly quickly.  It will be a lot of fun for the both of us and as he is approaching ten years of age, I know our days of spending quality time together are likely dwindling. 

If I get time before Christmas gets here, I will also make some hard candy.  Who knows, maybe we could fill the little gingerbread houses with candy.   

Granny Square tutorials

I found this blogger's site last year I think it was.  Her tutorials on joining granny squares of same sizes, as well as joining squares of different sizes, are thorough.  There are lots of pictures and coupled with the explanations, you'll be doing this in your sleep in no time.  Thanks for the great tutorials!

things to make and do: granny square tutorial part 3: joining squares of the same size