July 25, 2023

Surgery Looms

As my surgery date rapidly approaches, I feel the weight of everything I have to do ahead of time.  I need to go over work-related stuff with my boss; stuff like how my files are organize on the computer, how to set up a zoom meeting, how to this, how to that, basically how to function without me for a few months.  Then there’s stuff at home like general cleaning, which is just not happening due to a lack of energy and intense pain; and clearing out the basement as our 19-year-old son will be moving down there so he has his own space.  Aside from a sleeping alcove, he’ll have a small living room area where he can have his computer and all his other stuff.  Of course he’ll still hang with us to watch tv and have meals, but it will be good for him to have his own space besides a small bedroom.  Again, though, pain and energy levels have stalled this project as well. 

As far as work goes, who knew there would be so many damn forms to fill out just to have surgery and take short-term disability leave?  And as if there weren’t enough forms for that, there is a 22-page booklet of instructions for preparing for the surgery!  

I’m managing the pain as best as possible with Tylenol and the very rare occasional boost from Advil (which is counter-indicated due to the blood pressure meds).  The pain itself is hard to describe.  Most of the time it’s a constant ache as if someone is pressing on my lower abdomen with the handle end of a knife.  Other times it’s a sudden sharp pain.  Sometimes it gets so intense that it feels like someone took coals from a good fire and just laid them inside me.  And yet other times it radiates right through to my lower back.  These are the times I’m thankful for seat warmers in my car, which I have used even though it’s 28 degrees outside!  Some days I’m able to sit for hours either at work or on the sofa, and some days I can’t get comfortable sitting or laying down, or even standing up.  Overall, it’s bad enough that I truly believe the pain I will experience post-surgery can only be an improvement!  

Initially we had planned for my husband to bring me to the hospital and then leave for home when they take me for surgery.  After thinking about it for a few days, I told my husband I’d prefer to have him there with me for the day until I’m out of surgery and in a room.  Our son is coming too.  This brings me comfort.  I’m scared enough without doing this and them not being there.  Knowing they are will really do a lot for my peace of mind.  The part that does suck though, is having to be awake by 3:00 am or so.  Since we live a handy 3-hour drive from the hospital, we will have to leave home between 4:30 and 5:00 am in order to get there for the 8:00 am check-in.  Surgery is scheduled for 11:00 am and I’m going to be starving by then since I can’t eat after midnight.  Hopefully they’ll have food handy when I wake up.   


July 11, 2023

Where to next?

Well, I guess the next step is the surgery.  Although I had resolved to waiting until mid to late August, a surprise phone call came from the surgeon's office this morning. I'm heading off to surgery on August 2nd.  

That just made it so real.  And scary.  I have so much to do before then.  Unfortunately, plans I kind of had (like going to the Spinrite tent sale) will now have to wait until next year. My husband says I have too much yarn anyway, but what does he know?  

It takes a lot of mental strength to stay focused on positives.  The biggest positive I have is that as of August 2nd the healing will begin.  It's going to be a hell of a ride though.  Be sure and stay tuned and thanks for all your positive thoughts to help me along the way.  

July 10, 2023

No Dodging the Bullet This Time

Not having a family doctor is really not good.  In January of last year our doctor closed her practice.  She wasn’t retiring or even moving, just not going to do patients any more.  Our local clinic where she had worked, despite having a lot of doctors, did not distribute her patients.  We were medical orphans.  They declined to have a waiting list and indicated they would assign patients to new doctors based on priority need.  So here I sit about 18 months later, having survived cancer once, with thyroid issues, diabetes, and high blood pressure, but apparently I’m not “high need” enough.

Since I don’t have a family doctor, I have to navigate the medical system myself, through the emergency room.  Need prescription refills?  Go to the ER and wait several hours to see a doctor who will write the refill order.  Does the doctor do anything to check my thyroid or diabetes, or even blood pressure to ensure I’m getting the right treatment?  Nope.  Fortunately, I was able to get accepted as a patient by the diabetes nurse practitioner, but her practice is limited to diabetes.  At least I was getting regular blood work done and being monitored for what she could monitor.  For all else…yes, back to the ER. 

In April I went to the ER because I’d been having abdominal pain that wasn’t going away.  Because it was persistent, I realized it was more than possibly gas.  Sitting or standing for any length of time became unbearable. 

So off I went, for a 7½ hour wait.  Unfortunately for me, there was a very social woman in the waiting room.  Because the room was packed, I ended up sitting across from her.  I swear I have a sign or a tattoo on my forehead that says, “talk to me and tell me your life story” because in short order she introduced herself and proceeded to tell me everything.  I didn’t even want to know her name, and in fact had my book in my hand and my reading glasses on.  It didn’t matter.  In short order she showed me her wedding photos (from ten years before), and told me all about the wedding and how her two brothers stood up for her.  I learned her husband served in Afghanistan and that very soon they would be adopting an older girl.  The woman had colostomy surgery the previous month and was there to have it checked. At this point she showed me the cover she sewed herself for the baggie she has to wear.  I had to admire the Disney tattoo sleeve on her right arm and hear all about her plans for the other arm AND check out the pictures of what she wants there.  I discovered she lived in northern Quebec as a kid and that she is now 45 to her husband’s 38.  She had been married previously to an abusive asshole.  The story goes on and on.  I was so relieved when they called her name that I almost didn’t mind another few hours waiting for my turn.  I didn’t want to be rude (I’m too polite at times), but I did try several times to put my head down and start reading.  She just wouldn’t be ignored.  I have no idea why me and not someone else in the room. 

Finally, I was called in and I could have cried with frustration.  The doctor basically blew me off.  He asked where the pain was.  I told him I could feel something inside and I put his hand on the lump I felt.  He proceeded to press so hard I was almost off the table in pain.  He felt all around, on both sides, and then told me it was probably gas.  I assured him it wasn’t.  When he asked why I was there, I told him “because this hospital has all the good diagnostic equipment” and asked him to use some of it.  Instead, he told me he was referring me to a gastroenterologist.  (And here I am three months later having not heard anything about a referral appointment yet!) 

A week later I went back.  This time the doctor was a lot more proactive.  She immediately sent me for an ultrasound, and when the results were available, she ordered a CT scan.  The scan was set for a few days later and I would have to go back to the ER two days afterward to get the results.  More waiting, but at least it felt like something was being done.  On my return to the ER a couple of days after the CT scan, I was told something was definitely there, about the size of slightly larger than a golf ball.  This doctor referred me for a biopsy.  And so, a few days later again I had the biopsy.  

This biopsy was easily the most painful thing I’ve ever had done to me.  It laid me flat for a week.  I mean I was up and about within a day of having foot reconstruction, an emergency c-section, and even a hysterectomy.  I was told the results would be available in 5 to 10 business days!  A week later I tried to reach out to patient records to get my results, but their voicemail box was full and I could never reach a live person.  The good news was I had an appointment with my diabetic nurse practitioner and when I brought her up to date on what had been going on, she called the doctor that performed the biopsy and got the results directly from him.  The bottom fell away when she turned around and told me my cancer had returned.  

If there was any good news in this, she also informed me that the biopsy doctor was going to refer me to a specialist in one of the major cities that is 3 hours drive away from us.  This referral happened relatively quickly and about two weeks later I sat in the specialist’s exam room.  A broader CT scan is scheduled to take place in about two weeks from today, but at this point she believes that I will need surgery to remove a section of my abdominal muscle, followed by a radiation series.  The good news, at this point, is they don’t believe it’s in any of my organs.  The CT scan can hopefully confirm this.  

It is appalling that I had to push so hard to obtain vital services.  A family doctor would have been able to get the process going so much faster.  I remember when I broke my foot, my family doctor (who has long since retired) got me CT scanned fast. He got the results within an hour of the scan, and referred me to a specialist ASAP. I had surgery less than three weeks later.  

Listen to your body.  You know it best.  When someone in the medical field blows you off, but you know something is wrong, keep at it until you find someone to listen and take you seriously.